Wednesday 31 December 2014


The most common beings that involve themselves in affecting humans on an energetic level are called ‘lower' astral beings. These beings are not necessarily evil or demonic or ‘soul suckers’; but they can be very mischievous and the energy they emanate can inspire paranoia or compound the negative thoughts or feelings of the individual involved.

This in turn can attract more negative beings to them and left unchecked, the situation may escalate. There are also people in every day life who are not at a place to ground, heal and release unwanted influences and they prefer to nourish themselves from the energies of others. They have been called 'energy vampires.' The clue to that process is when you are around them you feel tired and drained after the experience. When in their presence it is advisable to ground and place an energetic shield of light between you field and theirs.

This kind of situation can often arise at times in our lives when our own psychic defences are low due to emotional problems; such as following a relationship break up, during adolescence, following bereavement and (the worst culprit) 'playing' with ouija boards...practising occult work that involves invoking demons (usually called 'High Magick' as opposed to 'Low Magick' which involves invoking and working with neutral energies of nature).

t's worth considering the amount of 'pride' involved in thinking you can 'invoke demons and tell them what to do without having any negative effects! Pride comes before a fall after all! So those who do ‘dabble’ in ‘High Magick’ are taking a serious risk. It is important to be aware of these things but also vitally important to keep them in perspective; if you lose perspective, things will inevitably seem a lot worse!

The lower astral beings that can interfere with us are not physical beings; most have never been human; and all of them (in accordance with Universal Law) MUST LEAVE IF YOU TELL THEM TO!! It’s as simple as that. The quickest way to get rid of them is to tell them to go away! The problem that people have is that they experience a bout of negativity from one such being and allow it to frighten them – and this fear just encourages them; in effect, you could say they feed off of fear; though they are drawn to any negative vibration – fear just happens to be the lowest of these.


For your part, you would need to practice regularly any energy healing/attunement based course techniques you learn; this would help you keep your 'energy' up. And also make sure to be grounding yourself regularly. And, should you sense the presence of a ‘negative entity’, simply make sure you don’t over react emotionally but instead, forcefully tell it to ‘go away’ (simply telling it to f*** off is perfectly effective – you don’t need to know latin!). I've done this myself and found it very effective! It is also useful to state with unwavering intent...In God/Goddess name I rebuke you...LEAVE NOW!

If you are experiencing any physical symptoms or feeling depressed on an ongoing basis, you absolutely must seek medical advice from your GP. The same goes for if you’re experiencing hallucinations (visual or auditory) – it can be very hard to tell whether the manifestation is internal or external, but it’s always best to make sure all bases are covered and you ensure your own mental/emotional/physical health is kept checked too.

Regular self-healing treatment with an energy healing modality can support you even if your problem originates with a physical/mental/emotional cause. But it’s always best to deal with any problems on all fronts; using whatever ‘tools’ are available to you in order to achieve the best result in the shortest time.

It helps to do regular space clearing, smudging and energy realignments in your work and living spaces to make sure that there are only high frequency energies in our external surroundings. Removing clutter and keeping spaces clean and orderly assures that the energies do not become stagnant, dense and/or congested. It’s impossible for me to give advice that will sort every problem out but taking a proactive approach and handling problems on a holistic basis is usually the best approach.

For attacks that feel beyond your level to clear contact a knowledgeable and credible energy worker to do a space clearing and suggest other options.

Ascension Guidelines

Ascension .Taking care of your light body through meditation and alignment. Ascension Guidelines

Duality has as it were thrown you to the lions, and you have fought to uphold your dignity and right to decide your own future. Hold fast to your beliefs, but be ever aware of the opportunity to take a positive step forward. Let no one force their beliefs onto you, particularly if their way is fear based. The energy of Love is pure and comes to you from the Creator, and is beyond corruption and is all that will remain after the changes have taken place. Think upon this and do your best to follow in the footsteps of your teachers of the Truth."    ~SaLuSa

Keys to Ascension

What is Ascension? This is a word used by many metaphysicists & religions to describe the process of enlightenment. Though it has been associated with the Christian idea of 'the rapture', it is not something that just happens at a given time, but rather a process of spiritual evolution. Enlightenment can happen in a moment, but is actually the purpose for reincarnation and the result of mastery over the ego.

Dr. Joshua Stone's book "The Complete Ascension Manual" is a great compilation of various teachings on this subject. Mostly quoting the channeled works of Alice Bailey and drawing upon my own Eastern tradition philosophies,(Hinduism & Buddhism) I have presented to you a summary of ascension understandings.


More Awakening Signs include:

-A feeling that something has changed within you
You simply feel different, you may not look  different, but you know something has changed internally. Your old ways are falling by the wayside and the real you is starting to emerge.
-An increase in occurrences of coincidence
Better known as synchronicity, favorable people, and beneficial circumstance start to appear with exactly what you need. Answers to questions are revealed to you through signs and messages. Synchronicity is a sign you are on the right track and that you are aware of these miracles happening around you. The more you notice and take heed, the more they appear so show appreciation for the guidance you are receiving.
-Quicker manifestations
Spiritual awakening raises your vibration; this involves a release of blockages which allows abundance to flow to you. Being in alignment with a higher vibration results in quicker and more beneficial manifestations to be received by you. Be aware of your thoughts so you get what you really want or better.
-Paying more attention to the details of daily life
-A desire to enroll in a classroom of "higher" learning
-Seeking new friends and groups who are interested in the Integrated life of the spirit (meaning balance in mind-body-spirit)
-Going to new places and moving outside of your comfort zone
For many of you, this is allowing yourself to ask questions in groups, to talk to "strangers" and to let go of your fears of looking uninformed in front of others.
-Sense of your own power to create with thought, words, and actions
-A feeling that you are different, with new skills and gifts emerging, especially healing ones.
-Increased integrity
You realize that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth.
-A knowing sense of connectedness / Oneness

You have an abiding knowing from within of the intrinsic inter-relatedness of everything, both living and non-living. You have a sense that now your life is a living manifestation of this Truth, and that you are It -- as are all people

New Earth - Ten Signs that You Are Moving to New Earth

There are currently two collective reality and more and more people are finding themselves breaking out of the old paradigm and looking for something else which at first they don't know exists, but it does. This is the New Earth, the place which mother earth is residing at, at a higher vibration and dimension than before. Here the old world cannot last for qualities of fear, control, disease, apathy, separation and powerlessness are all low frequency vibrations.

On the new earth reality which is slowly disengaging from the old collective existence there is love, peace, unity, freedom, joy and powerful creator beings. We are these people and we are no longer allowing ourselves to be fooled and held back. We can all choose our place in this big ride. Will you journey to the New Earth or will you take your chance in the alternate reality of the old. Neither parties would even ever know teh other existed, once we get to a certain point we will split in two and our daily decisions determine our position within the dual realities as it stands.

Experiential Spiritual Learning~Layer by Layer

"In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is added.
In the practice of the Tao, every day something is dropped."

- The Tao te Ching

It is easy, given our cultural framework, to imagine spiritual learning as analogous to education - that spiritual learning is an accumulation. The idea we have is that one must keep learning, keep reading, keep listening to teachers, keep doing yoga in order to "advance." However, in truth, spiritual learning is nothing more than learning to be fully who you are. There is no "better" as you grow older and have more experience. There is simply more of who you are.

No matter which spiritual path you choose, the path will always bring you to You. Some people take roundabout paths and some dive in headlong. There is structure in the manifestation of spiritual learning as the learning moves deeper into the cells of your body and your basic being. This structure creates "layers" of spiritual learning. There is movement among the layers — this is not a static creation, nor is movement restricted to one direction only. Each of the seven layers exists within you, and each may be accessed at any time (although you likely will "live" in one for a period of time). All layers are necessary to create the tapestry that which is You.

Layers — not Levels — of Spiritual Learning

Our cultural framework suggests that older and wiser is better. Certainly, in physical life, age can bring the wisdom of experience. This often translates into perception of spiritual wisdom: "I'm an old soul, therefore I'm more evolved than you" is commonly thought but likely not voiced. But in reality, everyone — from infant to elder — is on a level playing field, simply operating from a different perception. The idea of layers conveys that. All layers exist simultaneously. One layer may be close to your core, like the core of an onion, but all layers are part of you and none are let go of or moved through, discarded. You do not grow beyond a layer other than letting go of identification with it. Each layer is simply an aspect of yourself. Deeper layers are not better; they are simply present with you at all times, ready for access. Within you, you always have both the new explorer and the enlightened master.

Moving through the layers is not a linear process. You do not finish one and then move on to the next. There may be, for a time, a "home" for you in one of the layers (certainly, when looking at them, you'll be able to easily identify the layer you spend most of your time in now, as well as layers you have used in the past), but you have access to all of them at all times. They are always a part of your experience.


Layer 1: Explorer

This initial layer holds the excitement of bounding out on a newfound journey. The quest has begun. You feel an initial sense of wonder, like a child tasting candy for a first time. You taste the potential of spiritual presence and its benefits and you feel the energy coursing in your body. In some ways, you have a core connection to what the deepest spiritual attainment is — this generates enormous energy and inspiration and draws you forward to your chosen path.
It is all new, so you explore the spiritual world with a child's wide open eyes. This is what we often refer to as the "sponge" stage. In it, you accept everything but you do not yet apply discernment or even much differentiation. Everything is good; everything is valid. You might explore and read any related subject to your interest. You might follow the recommendation of any teacher, friend or acquaintance who appears to be on a spiritual path. For instance, if you are interested in Buddhism, you might read every Buddhist title in the local library to explore it all, irrespective of the branch of Buddhism, and you might also read anything else with an Eastern flavor such as Hindu teachers. Because of the newness, exploration within this layer can feel like pure Truth and the stuff of great revelations. This is the "diving in" to a new teaching. This layer helps you get a feel for what is out there and helps bring the teachings deeper within you, past the surface layers of personality.

Layer 2: Initiate

After some time spent in the Explorer layer, there is often a realization that you need to narrow down your focus so that you can explore more deeply into what resonates with you. You cannot become a master of all teachings at once; here you find that you need to focus on one thing at a time.
The emphasis in this layer of learning is on the structure of what is being learned. Passages, sutras, and scriptures are memorized and you attempt to distill for yourself the essence of a teaching for a purer understanding. This helps you incorporate that essence into the routine of your daily life. You have a basic understanding of your chosen teaching, and with this understanding comes a first siphoning off of what does not work. For instance, if you were learning about Christianity, you might at this point choose which denomination you wish to belong to and decide on some level that other denominations aren't "the Truth"- for you. You have decided which path to follow and what works best for you in this moment. This enables you to have more focus so as to better incorporate what there is to learn in the cells of your body.

Within this layer, there is also a sense of awe for all the wisdom that is out there as well as for other "wiser" beings who are teaching you. You search for teachers who bring a deeper layer of learning. This can give you a magnificent feeling of support and guidance, and it can also lead to the (false) belief that others know best for you than you do. This belief is gradually let go as learning progresses.

Layer 3: Teacher

Within this layer of learning, you've already accomplished a lot of intellectual and social learning — there is a recognition that further study yields diminishing returns. You see all the learning that you have accomplished so far. The value of the teaching is still very much appreciated, however, and so you begin to focus on teaching what you have learned to others. There is an emphasis on demonstrating the authority of learning — that you know the teaching. Teaching others brings you a renewed appreciation in what you have learned; there is a dual experience of the joy of this path.
Within this layer, you may desire to create a study group. You may become a counselor. You may respond regularly to questions in a society or in an online group. You may proselytize if your path advocates it. You may write a blog. By teaching others and exploring your own beliefs, you learn more yourself and see how your learning interacts with others' paths. You expand your own presence to try to influence others.

The limit of the learning so far, however, is that up to this point you have been learning primarily from external sources: books, teachers, and the community around you. You are an authority under something else such as an organization or an abstract teaching. Therefore what you teach tends to be your interpreted regurgitation of what you have learned so far. You do not yet teach directly and solely from your own soul. In other words, the student becomes an authority by playing the role of what they think a true person on the path should be. A student of Buddhism might meditate regularly, speak with compassion and follow the eightfold noble path as best as they can. Experimenting with authority in this external fashion is all part of the journey to find a true sense of inner power by learning to live your path from your deepest essence.

Layer 4: The Search Begins

"What?" you may exclaim. "The Search Begins only here? What about Layers 1 to 3? I've been an expert - I'm not just beginning!"
It is in this layer that the diving off the cliff toward inner knowingness truly begins. This is the fulcrum layer between following a teaching and living it from within. In the previous layers, there was a social identity — a firm path to follow — which can involve teaching others. If you belong to an organization and have an identity as such, you'll have an understanding of what is appropriate within the teaching of your organization. However, at some level you will realize that just because someone else speaks a truth doesn't mean their truth is yours. Following the path of one's own quiet inner voice requires courage, integrity, and a willingness to step away from the herd. It requires changing your path if one day that path doesn't feel right for you — even if it disappoints others' expectations.

This is where the dark night of the soul appears. What you know disintegrates and crumbles around you — your identity, your comforts and defenses — so that you may find something greater: your Self.

In short, the inner self opens and begins to speak up. You have a new-found dialogue with your own soul and essence. The newness of this creates movement in your life in thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Conflict and turmoil can appear if one's inner voice differs from what has been learned. It is rare that your true perception matches exactly the teaching that you have been following. Perhaps you realize that your body does not truly want to sit in meditation for hours and that substituting other practices can give you the same benefit. Perhaps common phrases you have used now feel dogmatic — that is, having lost their personal meaning for you. Within this layer you'll find yourself questioning authority of all kinds so that you find that you yourself are your own greatest guru. In some spiritual communities, this creates unrest, discomfort and conflict. Cries of 'heresy' and of not being 'true to the teachings' can occur. However, in this layer you feel compelled to truly bring your teaching to a new level that includes being true to one's self. There is a desire to see for one's self instead of relying on anyone else's experience, including liturgy. Every true teaching is a living teaching — and it is your life you bring.

This layer also brings a deeper connection to others — you are bringing more of yourself forward in meeting with others. You are no longer identified as "just" a Christian, Muslim, Jew, or any other member of a teaching. You are you. You are an expression of the Divine, just as you are, and you begin to recognize with your own eyes - not simply through others' words - that others are as well. By beginning to truly be yourself, you support others in recognizing themselves as well. You begin to understand the greeting "Namaste" for the full depth of its meaning:That which is of God in me greets that which is of God in you.

Layer 5: Truth in the Moment

Here, a regular connection to essence occurs and you recognize the dichotomy that while your past learning may have been true for you at that time, newfound revelations and perceptions are always different in each moment. You therefore learn to live by your own perceptions, moment by moment, with a deep trust in them. You know that there are no rules, only choices - and that all choices contain within them an inherent perfection. You build from your past learning instead of limiting yourself to it. The ideas of "right", "wrong", "good" and "evil" fall by the wayside. There is only Truth, and part of that truth is a deep love of life and everyone and everything in it. The result is an expansive flexibility that is filled with gentle humour and play.
Because of this flexibility, there are many ways that you might manifest who you truly are:
You may find a new-found interest in other learnings and see them no longer as different from one another, but as part of a universal teaching.

You may begin to have a gentle, relaxed laughter as the humour of life itself is experienced. Yes, this path is perfect - as is every other path!

You may find a new sense of creativity and even eccentricity. For instance, if you explained a spiritual topic to others 10 times, you may give 10 completely different explanations - each one being true as a completely new discovery in that moment. These may even be contradictory on a superficial level - but the contradictions will help others see the deeper truth.

You begin to let go of the "shoulds" that are in your life and live life simply as you desire. There's less need to do anything. Paradoxically, this lets you act selfless, help others more, and make better use of your time. Living firmly in this energy helps firmly build community and connection around you. True pillars of community live from here.

Layer 6: Living Deep Harmony

In this layer the connection to One has become deeper and stronger; there is less focus on what looks like teaching and more focus on loving. You live life with sacredness and spaciousness of experience, and within that spaciousness grows a deep sense of inner peace. There is room for all of You. This brings harmony in thought, emotion, and action. You love life itself. You meet all of life, from your inner demons to external conflicts, with that sense of inner harmony. This can bring tremendous inspiration to others as it shows others how to let go of past habitual conflicts and destructive habits.
This harmony also extends to tremendous compassion for the world. You bring all you have learned through manifesting a calm sense of appreciation of life in whatever form it may take. This compassion can manifest as humanitarian action, like with Mother Theresa, or through social change, as with the work of Martin Luther King, Jr. Because the action comes from inner peace, movements arise seemingly without effort. There is little basis for internal conflict.

Layer 7: Being Pure Presence

This is where the great spiritual teachers reside. Here you regularly experience essential oneness with the Self: your essence, your Buddha-nature, your Atman, or your Christ Consciousness. You experience the reality of Who You Are. Intellectual learning is put aside as you teach from the Now. There is no longer a need to teach, nor to change things — perfection is experienced simply as What Is. Love is expressed simply by being, and this is felt powerfully by those around you. This manifests as pure presence.
The power of manifesting your full nature cannot be underestimated. Students came simply to sit with Ramana Maharshi, for example, because sitting in his presence enabled them to experience inner harmony for themselves.

Pure presence is more than the ultimate manifestation of a teaching, a religion, or a path. It is the unrestricted allowing of All That Is - and this creates an unlimited potential for creation and conscious choice. It is this field which allows great healing to occur. It is a far deeper authority and power than the third layer, as the authority with the layer of Being Pure Presence comes from the full allowing of All That You Are, which without exception exceeds your wildest imagination of what you can experience. Your full and complete presence is the ultimate gift that you bring to the world and to others.

Using the Layers

How does the layer concept work in reality? Again, there is no linear progress through them, although you may experience a sense of that for a given time. We all have access to those layers — when everything just clicks and I am in the beautiful flow of the moment.Every layer is part of the beautiful tapestry we weave on a collective global basis through our experience. Every layer has a purpose and a use. Every layer is necessary to create the structure of that tapestry and to hold it together. So wherever you are in the moment is perfect for that moment. You can flow through the layers seamlessly and effortlessly, weaving your own path through the tapestry with glorious colors, being more of who you are, and in so doing encourage others to be more of who they are, to deepen and brighten the colours we weave together.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Signs of A Lightworker - Lightworkers Waking up 2012 and Beyond

Video exploring Light-worker traits....Are You A Light-worker? Many people are having a spiritual awakening to the Great Shift of consciousness which is taking place. Hanna Ehlers Spiritual Teacher is assisting people understand themselves amidst this revolution. Visit for more information. You are loved!

Energy Healing Technique: Lightworkers Healing Method

We are all aware that here lies a crossroads; this crucial point etches the fate of the world. As energetic shifts of increasing magnitude radiate across the globe, people everywhere take notice. They open to the idea of a benevolent universal presence. We stand poised to take the next step into a more joyful and loving future.

NOW is the time, today. Our golden opportunity lies in the incredible potential of this generation. We can use this powerful present to create healing change around the world. The Lightworkers Healing Method is an integral part of this vibrational shift, as it empowers people to be who they came to Earth to be- to help bring this golden future to pass in all of the loving and beautiful ways their souls envisioned.

The bottom line is this: we all have wise loving beings who are connected with us, know everything about us, and love us unconditionally. Whether we call them Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, or something else doesn't matter. They are here for us and for everyone. 

It's natural to connect with them and then receive help and guidance, both to heal others and also to heal ourselves. By learning to be channels for higher-dimension healers, miracles happen in our presence.

YOU can learn this. It's a teachable, learnable skill, not a gift. You can learn to BE who your soul came here to be, and help others do the same. We can teach you how to do it using the Lightworkers Healing Method. 

Lynn McGonagill, founder and teaching channel of the Lightworkers Healing Method, wants to give you a free 90-minute class so you can learn more about LHM. Go to our website at and take that next step in becoming who your soul wants you to be.

For more information about Lynn McGonagill and The Lightworkers Healing Method, or to register for a seminar, visit, or read Lynn's book, The Lightworkers Healing Method: BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be.

The Ascension Process 8 Signs of Spiritual Awakening

8 signs of a spiritual awakening. The ascension process: Are you experiencing these symptoms and what do they mean? Visit us at for spirituality articles, free angel card readings and tarot oracles, and real psychic readings with real psychics. Free psychic reading, 3 minutes:

Arcturians Explain Ascension Symptoms

Subscribe Here:
Dr. Suzanne Lie's Books available here:

Original meditation by Dr. Suzanne Lie 
Relaxing music and message. Meditation.
A journey into the energy of the subconsciousness.

We, the Arcturians would like to address the symptoms of transformation that many of our Earthling expressions are experiencing. We call you our "Earthling expressions of self" just as you may call us your "Arcturian Expressions of SELF." For if we are a higher dimensional expression of YOU, than you are lower dimensional expressions of US.

This situation does not denote that we are superior to you, for we ARE you. There is no sense of hierarchy in our statement. Instead, we are merely stating that your consciousness has its primary focus on the physical reality of the third/fourth dimensions, whereas our consciousness has it primary focus on the formless dimensions of the eight through tenth dimension. In both cases, it is not a matter of deserving or rank. It is, instead, a matter of choice.

51 Ascension Symptoms by Annarita, narrated by GinA

How Many of These 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms do YOU Have?

by Annarita 

as found here:

Congratulations You have chosen one of the most momentous times to be living on the planet. You are here to witness an incredible galactic miracle as the planet raises to another dimension.

It is imperative to take care of the physical body. You may need 12 or more hours of sleep or more, or lighter foods, and much more water.

During the day you can stop and connect with the universe. Open your heart to the universe and feel your consciousness expand. Breathe in love and breathe out love to the universe

Your heart and your connection to the universe is your source of power. This is the point of power that you will use to create your new world. You must remember how powerful you really are, and embrace your power. Pull it in to your heart, and notice how it feels. Sit with the power inside of you for awhile. It is who you are

The new light that is entering earth contains information, and many are feeling resistant to it, so connecting through the heart helps you integrate this light.

From this place you can feel your oneness with all things. Your love begins to know no bounds, and your sense of self increases to infinity. Your sense of peace enters your cells, and you gain a broader perspective of yourself and your world.

This puts you in the present which offers you infinite possibilities. In the "now", you witness no past or future, but infinity into eternity. As this happens you step out of Maya (or illusion) and you gain an incredible perspective of your place in the universe.

This place of inner being is a place you can visit throughout the day. It is your sanctuary, a place for clarity, peacefulness and all encompassing love.

As you continue this practice, you will be able to integrate the higher frequencies, as they are increasing every day.
You are also changing dimensions and time lines throughout the day now You can set something down in one room and find it later in a completely different place. This can be disconcerting, unnerving and disorienting.

Know that this is a natural occurrence during times of intense solar flares and energy shifts.

Release your ideas of how things should be because they probably are not that way right now. This is OK because your Mother Earth has her own time and agenda.

You do not need to be so serious. The places that you used to go in your dreams will soon be a reality on planet earth.
This time is like no other time on planet earth, and there are many space brothers and sisters just outside the atmosphere to witness your galactic miracle. Congratulate yourself for being on planet during this momentous time!
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This is a most incredible time in history. It can be especially challenging to sensitive Lightworkers so this is a video that teaches us how to take short breaks during the day to connect with our Higher Selves, and refresh our spirits

When we come to planet earth, our souls enter this physical plane. But there is a larger part of out Selves our souls, which stays iin contact with the Universe, the Cosmos.

An analogy would be the human body The big toe is the part that incarnates to earth and the rest is the Higher Self that exists in the Cosmos

We come to experience on planet earth. As babies, we have our memories and yet the longer we are on the planet, our memories of who we really are fades

We begin to buy into the thoughts and feelings of society. Ideas come into your minds that we are not enough, we do not have enough, we have to struggle

We begin to forget our true nature, and fear creeps in as a constant companion. We come to earth with an ego , which is here to protect us from harm, but we begin to falsely believe that this is who we are. We identify with this ego self (our false self) and begin to live, act and react from fear.

When we remember our True Self, our true nature, out higher Soul Self, our outlook is much different and our view of the world, and what we attract to ourselves changes. We can make this choice, to remind ourselves of our true nature. We remember that the essence of who we are is the True Self, which is always in contact with our Source.

When we go through the day, we can tell which Self we are identifying with, by how we are feeling at any time during the day, we can stop and check our thoughts..what are we thinking, how are we feeling and how is our mood and our outlook?

When do do stop and connect with out Higher self, there is a feeling of expression, peace, oneness and at times, bliss.

The longer we can mentally stay connected with our Higher Self, the more peaceful we become. We gain a larger scope of our lives and place in the universe We connect with a higher vibration which raises us up, and helps us to see the bigger picture of our lives.

We begin to get out of our own way. We can see the follies of our past. We not feel badly about the past, because now we know better, and all things are learning experiences. When we see others stuck in old patterns we can feel compassion.

As we go through the day we can gently remind ourselves to take a deep breath, and tp merge consciousness with out higher selves. We do this for wisdom, for guidance, and peace of mind

Learning to live from this place can produce miracles in your life. Syncronicities will seem to pop up from nowhere. Your psychic abilities may increase, as will your intuition and inner knowing

As you do these exercises, you begin to feel your heart opening to others and you begin to feel compassion for those who are suffering

You realize that much of your self inflicted suffering is diminishing as you learn to connect with your Soul self more and more. Your intuition increases and problems that come into your life do not seem to stump you as as they did in the past.

You begin to feel confident and relaxed about yourself as you begin to live in a place of timelessness. When you live in this place of timelessness you find yourself less concerned about your problems, your welfare, and your future.

You are living in a place ts you practice merging your consciousness with your Higher Self, it will become an practice for you and in time you will live from this place. This is a place of high vibration, and a spiritual place of comfort , peace and truth, your true sanctuary

Adult Child of Alcoholic--Shifting Into Your Light Body--Lightworkers--S...

Adult Child of Alcoholic--shifting your energy body!

If you are the child of an emotionally manipulative parent, your energy being has been effected by those around you. If you are feeling heavy, dank and lack motivation, desire, and joy--it is because you have been effected by the negative programming of others around you.

Healing the ACoA wounds allows you the adult child to transmute those old negative patterns and become a light body. As you become lighter in your body, you positively impact your own children and shift your family of origins negative energy blueprint.

If you are able to heal--all that has been--you Dear One--become a light body! Yes--healing clears energy blocks--and helps all those wounds heal--which allows energy to flow more fluidly in your body.

Healing You--heals others around you--and helps heal the world--one heart, one mind, and one soul at a time.

Awaken Dear One...and forget what others told you...Remember who you are!

Lisa A. Romano is an ACoA Life Coach, Mentor and Bestselling Author.

Her books are; 
The Road Back To Me
My Road Beyond The Codependent Divorce
Loving The Self Affirmations
Quantum Tools To Help You Heal Your Life Now

Advice for empaths and lightworkers

Subscribe and share please! This video discusses some tips for dealing with your highly sensitive and empathic traits, and speaks about divine life purpose for sensitive souls. 
Lightworker reading:
Empath Survival reading:

Lightworkers are the Elite

The daily self Task to place yourself in writing in a structured way will in time be your proven sanity, trust , honesty and consistency that transcend all ego. All the structure must show is your dedication to what is best for all life and the confirmation through cross-referenced feedback that you are in fact living this commitment breath by breath into being as you as life. This will support you effectively when you get to the point of no return called death and you are measured to see if you are in fact life and worthy to be recognized as life. At Desteni our interest is life and the living. Join us in this journey of creating the way to life to stand the test of time. Desteni I Process is available to all regardless of affordability. 

Follow the blog books regularly which are available at the Desteni Store along with many other self-supportive products.

Also see the Non-Profit Organization -- Equal Life Foundation:

The Equal Money system will be a first step in the political agenda of the Equal Life Party worldwide once we start participating in democratic elections. Join the Desteni Forum for discussions.

See life coaching join the forum:
Equal Money at

Lightworker, 2012, secret knowledge, chakras, healing, crystals, indigo, starseed, awakening, meditation, ascension, spirituality, Youtube, false flagging, google, monopoly, freespeech, freedom, ww3, world war 3, 2012, wiki, wikia, Desteni, Destonians, Destonian, Destenicult, research, guidelines to equality, guru, pro, know how system

The Role of Lightworkers

Now that change is clearly underway, especially for those paying attention, Paxton Robey has information on the current and emerging role of "light workers".

More about Paxton:

Hosted and produced by Bob Keeton

The Dream - Lightworkers.Org

In 2005 the dream began with 10 Lightworkers unifying their energies in a global meditation and prayer for peace, love, freedom and harmony
for all life on earth.

Each year we have grown 10 fold in numbers, 100 in 2006, 1000 in 2007
and now 10,000 in 2008.

Join the rEvolution of mind, heart and spirit for 2009. 100,000 lightworkers across the world, unite their vision to create
a new heaven, a new earth. 

100,000 Lightworkers for 2009

1 Million by Dec 21st 2012

Let your voice be heard, and pass on the word.

Shine on....

The Healing Power of Lightworkers

This video is in low resolution because youtube lowered the resolution on it. That is what makes the font not as easy to read...the crispness and clarity was taken away when they lowered it from 360p to 240p.

I made this video for the lightworkers of the world. There are millions of lightworkers on the planet who are either waking up or will hopefully wake up soon. You might even be a lightworker yourself and not even realize it. Healing ourselves, each other and our planet is very necessary at this point in our history. I have two Healing Power of Lightworkers videos because Youtube had deleted this video awhile ago due to the song and then reinstated it muted. I never deleted it from my videos so now its back up but in the meantime I had made another one which is also on my channel.