Friday 9 January 2015

Christine Breese Advaita Enlightenment Awaken Shanti Om ESP

University Of Metaphysical Sciences, Christine Breese
Wisdom Of the Heart Church 501(c)3
Starlight Journal Ezine Metaphysical Newsletter
Christine Breese

These talks by Christine Breese are satsang videos especially for the internet directly to you, sponsored by University Of Metaphysical Sciences. Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, which offers Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate D.D. and Ph.D. degrees in metaphysical subjects.

Christine Breese speaks often of being still in the mind and being in the moment. This is only the beginning of enlightenment. After that, the experience of knowing the self that you are is ever deepening and the journey truly never ends. If you would like to meet Christine Breese in person, she offers retreats throughout the year. You can contact University Of Metaphysical Sciences at for retreat schedules or registration. You can also hear 10 minute meditations by Christine at MySpace at 

If you would like transcripts of these Christine Breese, University Of Metaphysical Sciences videos, visit:

Spiritual awakening to the consciousness you are brings with it the awareness of the love in the nature of self. There is a deeper love than the human love you are familiar with. It is a love that tolerates all things, allows all things, and has compassion for all things. Advaita is the teaching of nonduality and it is meant to awaken the whole self that contains your human form. Many spiritual teachers have attempted to awake their fellow humans... krishnamurti nisargadatta ramana Buddha... all of these teachers have taught the concept of liberation through the spiritual awakening to the consciousness and awareness that is love itself in the awakened human form..." Christine Breese, satsang, spirit, advaita, enlightenment, consciousness...

"Awakening consciousness is the enlightenment that krishnamurti spoke of when he encouraged students to awaken and awake into the enlightenment consciousness that they already are. Esp is just a product of the mind, but advaita is about consciousness itself, rather than doing anything to attain enlightenment. The Buddha was able to awaken simply by observing his awakening consciousness that found itself to already be enlightenment. Consciousness is the awakening that students are looking for, and Krishnamurti, Nisargadatta, Ramana, all encourage the student to not be distracted by spiritual powers like esp, astral projection, lucid dreaming, etc. The awakening of the consciousness is what is most crucial to enlightenment..." shanti om

"The Buddha is within you, you are the Buddha. Life is your spiritual teacher, and just like Buddha, you learn from your life circumstatnces. The Buddha is not outside of you, the Buddha is within you, you are the Buddha..."

Awakening is not difficult, awakening is easy. Simply awaken the the awake state that you have within yourself. It is as simple as the way you awaken from a dream, awakening to your next day. Awakening is simply being awake in every moment that happens, no matter what that moment holds. Pleasant, non-pleasant, it's irrelevant, it is being in the awakened, awake, awakening state that is important..." shanti om

awakening consciousness enlightenment esp advaita awaken awake krishnamurti nisargadatta ramana shanti om zen

28 Angelic Heirarchy Angels Realm Angel Dimension Archangel

University Of Metaphysical Sciences, Christine Breese
Wisdom Of the Heart Church 501(c)3
Starlight Journal Ezine Metaphysical Newsletter
Christine Breese

These talks by Christine Breese are satsang videos especially for the internet directly to you, sponsored by University Of Metaphysical Sciences. Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, which offers Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate D.D. and Ph.D. degrees in metaphysical subjects.

Christine Breese speaks often of being still in the mind and being in the moment. This is only the beginning of enlightenment. After that, the experience of knowing the self that you are is ever deepening and the journey truly never ends. If you would like to meet Christine Breese in person, she offers retreats throughout the year. You can contact University Of Metaphysical Sciences at for retreat schedules or registration. You can also hear 10 minute meditations by Christine at MySpace at 

If you would like transcripts of these Christine Breese, University Of Metaphysical Sciences videos, visit:

"christine breese" breese "university of metaphysics" "metaphysical sciences" metaphysical metaphyisics science angelic heirarchy angels realm angel dimension archangel

28 Angelic Heirarchy Angels Realm Angel Dimension Archangel

Universal Consciousness and the Metaphysical Aspects of Reality (Full Do...

Universal Consciousness and the Metaphysical Aspects of Reality 

This documentary as well as all of the rest of these documentaries shown here are about important times and figures in history, historic places and people, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories, and education. 
The Topics of these video documentaries cover just about everything including ancient history, Rome, Greece, Egypt, science, technology, nature, planet earth, the solar system, the universe, modern physics, World wars, battles, military and combat technology, current events, education, biographies, television, archaeology, Illuminati, Area 51, crime, mafia, serial killers, paranormal, supernatural, cults, government cover-ups, the law and legal matters, news and current events, corruption, martial arts, space, aliens, ufos, conspiracy theories, Annunaki, Nibiru, Nephilim, satanic rituals, religion, strange phenomenon, origins of Mankind, monsters, mobsters, time travel

The Awakening - Max Igan - Full Length Documentary (2011)

Poison from the Sky. And why the Self Destruction

Signs of Enlightenment

Awaken your Buddha Mind with the 6 Ways to Perfection

Let's check out our Priority of Life!

Connecting witth Spirituality - David Icke

And We Think We are the Mind

Human Psychology is like that..

The World is only a Stage

Vow of a Bodhisattva - Explained

The Cosmos is powered by Love Energy

We are light and Sound

The Light and the Sound

Our Energy Vibration

Consciousness Science Kept Hidden

his is not my video. I'm sharing this with anyone who is interested in this peaceful subject. To own a copy of Quantum Communication go to this link: Producer: David Sereda & James Law Jr.

Thanks for watching.
"How do we create an intelligent dialog with the creative force of the Universe to allow us to experience a Quantum leap in our own intelligence?"

NASA Space Sounds

"The way we manifest abundance in our lives is to awaken the genius within each one of us so that we can excel in our relationships, careers and super-learning to transform our lives and those around us. Discover how to master this in your life! This awakening of intelligence happens when we understand how Quantum Communication actually functions within each of us. Learn techniques to open this awareness within yourself to become a Fully-Actualized human being."

brain alpha gamma beta create quantum reality mind consciousness intentions communication evolution awareness telepathy super human abilities God angels light beings sound frequencies laws jupiter earth sacred geometry music of the spheres meditation evolution

"What Is Consciousness & Where Is It?" - Deepak Chopra

What Is Consciousness & Where Is It?" Featuring Deepak Chopra

What is the fundamental activity in the universe? Although neuroscience has made enormous progress in looking at the brain correlates of subjective and objective experience, there is still no theory on how we experience mental or perceptual reality. This is known as the "hard problem" in consciousness research. 

• Is there a scientifically viable way to explain consciousness?
• Does mainstream science have the methodologies to address this question?
• How do we explain intention, insight, intuition, imagination, creativity, or free will?
• Is free will an illusion?
• Are there states of consciousness that go beyond waking, dreaming and sleeping?

Wisdom traditions speak of higher states of consciousness such as soul consciousness, cosmic consciousness, divine consciousness, and unity consciousness. Is there a way of understanding these states or validating them scientifically? Is our current science which is based on a subject/object split equipped to answer these mysteries? What is the nature of the universe? What is the of nature awareness that makes it possible for us to experience the universe?

Deepak is addressing in this talk these questions as well as others cosmic riddles.

DEEPAK CHOPRA is the author of more than seventy books translated into over thirty-five languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers in both the fiction and nonfiction categories. Deepak is the Founder of The Chopra Foundation, Co-founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, Adjunct Professor of Executive Programs at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School, Columbia University, and Senior Scientist with The Gallup Organization. Time magazine heralds Deepak Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as 'the poet-prophet of alternative medicine'.

For more information visit:
The "birds on a wire" cartoon shown in in the video has been used with the approval of YouTube/The Chopra Well. We thank Deepak Chopra and his team for his support and generosity.

You ARE a LightWorker

You Are a Lightworker
an expression of Divine Love

You are a Creator
Tapping in to your infinite possibilities

A way shower here to point the way

With the understanding that only Love prevails

Aware and unafraid of the injustices around you

Always sensing your divine connections to your Source

You are a Lightworker
A spirit incarnate to heal our world
A being of higher vibration and clarity

Your compassion and wisdom immeasurable

An example for others
Full of Joy and an ability to remain in your center

You are a Lightworker
and you are not alone anymore

Remember Why You Are Here

Epilogue from "The Book of One" written by Bernard Alvarez

You were once at one with the Source of all things. Not separate from the All or each other. 

Then you chose to experience life on the dimension of awareness and consciousness you now inhabit.

Separating yourself from the All and Source of all things you created polarity and duality.

Positive and negative, good and bad, fear and love in order to experience your present human form.

Your incarnation began with the intention of love and eagerness to live here on Earth

Your Universal wisdom and awareness were already inside of you, a spirit of Light experiencing the Human self.

Once your mind was free to play and imagine infinite possibilities until the indoctrination into your worlds present paradigm was forced upon you by your family and your familys community.

You were instructed on how to speak using the local language of your fathers.

You were instructed on how to look, to act, to behave and how to think.

Your connection with who you really are all but erased in order to please the powers that be.

And you began to trust and believe these were the proper and sane things to do and align yourself with.

Never knowing the intention or history of the very language you used or roles you play in your society.

Yet, the entire time you had a voice within you that was always telling you different.

Alarming you when you felt oppressed or were forced into certain roles you did not feel an inclination to portray.

You knew and still know these false roles and beliefs were not in accordance with your true being.

And why not?

The reality is that your planet Earth has been infiltrated and is now governed by some very misguided and to but it bluntly, evil people with harm to humans as the intention of all their actions.

Your water, air and lands are being poisoned.

You are being mentally numbed into accepting poisons into your body through the many man made chemicals that are fed to you, injected into you and sometimes willingly swallowed by you through the propaganda of calling it medicine.

You have been made to believe there is nothing you can do and that the problem is too big. 

So you just submit and allow yourself to be distracted by the many diversions presented to you through the state run media.

Your world is at war with itself slaughtering millions of your brothers and sisters.

Your militaries are changing the very electro magnetic field of the Earth that protect you and create the very balance that allows life on earth to be possible.

Some of your human brothers and sisters are being enslaved through economic oppression.

All the while your gut knows this not in accordance with your true being and your reason for being here, experiencing life as a human.

Remember why youre here on planet Earth.

Remember what you truly are as a spirit incarnate.

Remember Source.

Remember us.

Remember you.

Remember and help other to remember.

For no matter how positive your outlook or how high you may raise your personal vibration.

At this present time,

You and your planet are on a path to self annihilation and destruction.

Very soon your air will be too polluted to breathe and the state will turn it into a commodity.

As they, the rulers of the world have done with your water and food supplies.

Very soon.

Very soon.

We share this with you not to scare or alarm you,

But to remind you of why you came here and what is here around you on planet Earth.

Allow yourself to be free of the self imposed bondage they have tricked you into accepting and return to the Light of Source.


Just remember.

For you are the savior this planet has been waiting for.

sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions

Why has this universal truth been hidden from the beings on this planet?

This is the biggest mystery. For over 25,000 years the Universal Truth was not available to the people of this planetary system. It is now finally being received on this planet. Deep seekers of the truth that are open minded and ready will receive it.

The higher energies of 2012 and beyond have a two fold effect. We have been stuck in a Universal Time Matrix System that has been disconnected from the higher dimension frequencies for thousands of years. Ancient Earth history shows manipulations of the planetary grids by beings from other more advanced systems (Draco-Orion, Sirius, Pleiades). The Universal Time Matrix system we are in is being manipulated. The energies of 2012 and beyond are opportunities for
faster ascension and manipulation into restriction of ascension.

Higher frequency energies being transmitted by the forces of light onto this planet allow individuals that are open to receive (through opening their beliefs and mindset) to activate their higher Chakras (7 to 15), which opens their central channels (Universal Kundalini), raise their frequency and DNA between NOW (2011) and December 2012. These activations help bypass the restriction programs being activated on this planet. The restriction program energies get activated in March 2011 (force field of energy that restricts human ascension process) and is planned to go full force in December 2012. Those that do not raise their frequencies will fall into these energies and will not be able to ascend to the higher dimensions (beyond dimension 11.5). The DNA of most people on this planet has already been mutated. That is why only 3-5 DNA strands are active instead of the 12-48 DNA strands (which used to be the norm for angelic human race).

This is hard to believe. There is a lot going on in this planetary system that people are not being made aware of. 


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Maurice Cotterell author of the book "Future Science; Forbidden Science of the 21st Century" appeared on coast to coastam on Feb 4, 2012 and visited with John B. Wells as they discussed parts of his book. This audio is edited for time and removes some parts of the interview et al.. you can still get a very good idea of what he said overall tho' ... They discussed science of astrology and how the soul has voltage and raising that allows us to reach higher plane after this physical life... quite involved interview in fact... many aspects are touched upon for people to cogitate. Basically... love others and your voltage would increase and you could help 'God' to expand. If you do not love and hold negative emotions.. your voltage will go down and you will lose life energy in afterlife. 

There was an earlier interview done on coast which is also on whirledenergy channel and this will be added on to that playlist now. 
several other vids and topics of interest on the channel as well : )

Much love and many blessings as you travel on your life journey each day. Sincerely : )

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Understanding Consciousness and the Universe - David Wilcock

No Copyright infringement intended. David Wilcock's website -

The global campaign of Love Works and Project Love is to help shift people's consciousness and relieve other's suffering by spreading love and compassion across the entire planet! 

If you enjoyed this video, learned something, or even got a little inspired feel free to see more at

Every video on Love Works tv is posted with the intention of helping you release any resistance or fears in your life.

It is also our goal to teach you how to consciously design your life and discover what your true passion and purpose in life is, so that you can live the most fulfilling life possible!